  1. There They Go
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Wallace was a magical banker
he'd take any pile of money and make it all his own
then he'd disappear from home.
He booked a Mississippi river boat
to go down the Mississippi river to see if he would drown in it
but they floated right on down
because the captain was a genuine river man
took a pocket full of water when he set foot on land
would never ask you to understand

Cause he knows it’s all for the spring chickens on board
goes to show, that he is getting old
And it glows just like muddy water off a duck's back
come back for more and more and more
He knows he knows

Alice was the boat's best dancer
she could do the Micheal Jackson, get right up on her toes with it
everybody loved the show
but Wallace took ill with whiskey
kept taking it out for everyone to see
til Alice slapped him overboard
she went and told the captain she is leaving
she's going right back home cause Indiana knows better
that man should not be on a boat

Cause she knows it’s all for the spring chickens on board
goes to show, she is getting old
And it glows just like muddy water off a duck's back
come back for more and more and more
She knows she knows

But the captain loved his river boat inappropriately
so Alice gonna take the first bus from New Orleans
and Wallace told the captain he's got a class action lawsuit coming
going to pay through the nose
so the captain steered his mighty mississippi riverboat
out on the gulf of Mexico
and there they go